A personal update from politically enraged

By Daviemoo

The last eighteen months have been absolutely ridiculous.

In November ’22 I caught covid which wasn’t a big deal as these things go – I work from home, I had a support network so I just hunkered down and let the disease work it’s way out and through. A few months later I went to the doctor for a cough that wouldn’t go away and the X ray I had revealed I had masses in my lung.
As I have a family history riddled with cancer, I was pretty petrified as you can imagine.

More tests, including a CT scan, an MRI and a vivisection of my lung tissue later not to mention more blood tests than you can shake a fist full of beef jerky at they concluded I had sarcoidosis. Sarc comes in many flavours and mine is “semi serious” because I have infiltration in the lung, along with swollen lymph nodes. I’ve struggled this last year with exhaustion and all manner of other weird little symptoms that, whenever I’m sick, bring me to ask “is this sarc” first.

Towards the late end of 2023 I was managing my sarc pretty well- work out but not too hard, sleep but not too little or much, eat but not too unhealthily… I was doing ok.

Then in December I ended up with what I’m referring to as “mystery illness palooza 3000”.

I thought I was going to die in early January where it felt like I was suffocating if I lay down, and I was regularly coughing so hard it was making me physically sick. This went on for all of January, as doctors kept dismissing me and telling me to wait, all of February as I was referred for a chest X ray I was told was “clear” only to find out later it wasn’t actually, and most of march. In late March I started to feel more myself at last, but I still had to be referred to an ENT because something was wrong with my throat now- my voice has changed and doesn’t act like it always has. I ended up visiting a very nice ENT who confirmed I have a vocal polyp- yesterday I had an MRI to scan this to confirm I don’t have cancer- hopefully that’ll be normal but I have to wait 2 weeks for the joys of that.
I was also re-referred to my sarc doctor because the hospital missed that my lymph nodes are enlarged because of sarc and that means it’s getting worse.

Then I caught a little cold, no big deal! Annoying but fine. Recovered… and then I caught covid again. Whilst it hasn’t been anything like the debilitating experience of my first infection where I genuinely did nothing but sleep for a week, it has been crap to say the least.

I am fed up. The last year and a half has been a constant struggle with health. I suspect sarc is dragging on my immune system somehow and so I’m more vulnerable to illnesses than ever.

I want to work harder to produce more decent content- but I can’t. I can’t focus enough to read, I can’t finish articles in a timely manner, I’m sick of sitting in front of my phone when I look and feel shitty 24/7, I can’t speak for a long time without my voice being weird, I’m constantly exhausted.

I’m really trying but putting on a front is bullshit when you’re struggling this much and this constantly. So forgive me if I take a step back for a while folks. There are plenty of amazing people out there who will give you all manner of info and journalistic intrepitude. I need a rest. Check out No Justice on stream, or Turn Left on YouTube, look at any manner of the fantastic hard working people who put out well done content every day, week, month about the government’s fuckery: goattmeal, Aid Thompsin, ChampagneSocialist, All the people that spend all their time doing this work to hold our crap leaders to some type of account.

Ya boi needs a rest.

I feel like I’m letting people down, because I know a lot of people like what I do- but I’ve not been well enough to do it properly and I can see that in how I make content. I’ll still be writing when I want to but for the moment I need to focus on getting back to some semblance of healthy because I just cant keep living like I’m going from sickness to sickness.

Wish me luck and no doubt speak to everyone down the line ❤

Politically Fucking Exhausted Disease Boye- AKA Daviemoo

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34 years old and fed up of the state of UK politics.

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